Welcome to my blog. I’ve researched about jobs that are demanded in the future and how they are stable. In this part of the blog, I will explain you about how I reached in to this topic and about some jobs that are predicted to be stable in the future with some proofs.

How I reached into this topic
I am a worrywart. I get very anxious when I think about how things are going to be.
So, I got very anxious when I heard some of the experts saying that there might be a possibility that almost 35% of the people around the world will lose their jobs.
Jobs that are well demanded for the future
・IT Engineer (Computer manager, software developer also included)
・Doctors (Different kinds)
・Sales and marketing etc.
IT engineers
IT engineer is one of the most demanded job right now and is expected to be in the future. In modern days, it is said that AI (Artificial Intelligence) will take over people’s jobs due to its smartness and efficiency sooner or later. That kind of future is easily predicted because there are already companies which is using an AI for its work. AI in car factories is a good example.
These days, car companies use AI robots to help make cars. Unlike people, it doesn’t get tired, it doesn’t complain and it is much more efficient. So, if robots are said to be taking over people’s jobs, why not become an IT engineer which includes the management of AI?
It might be hard getting all the certificates to become one, but you will not regret it once becoming it. Moreover, your life will be stabilized.

Did you understand about how IT engineers are demanded in the future? If you have the idea about being an IT engineer, you might have got the right idea‼
I will upload more information about the other jobs, so please don’t miss those.