Relationship between Sport Psychology and Ballet part 2.

Hello! Welcome to my second blog! Today, I’ll talk from ballet perspective. There are another blog too so please check it💞

The way from ballet

I took interview from Mrs. Aya Nakagawa the host of AYA BALLET STUDIO and Ms. T.I. Contents of interview are [How to calm down before stage] and [How to control worry] These are answers. Pink tables are Mrs. Nakagawa’s answer and orange tables are Ms. T. I’s answer.

-How to calm down before stage-
☆ Make same situation as lesson
☆ Do scheduling
☆ Think how many lessons are left from practice.
– How to control worry-
☆ Check choreography
☆ Warm before stage
☆ Take balance
☆ Don’t look under
☆ Do pray that dancer did.
-How to calm down before stage-
☆ Do plank
☆ meditation
☆ Do breathe carefully
– How to control worry-
☆ Think ” I can do it!” when could do well
☆ Do muscle training to get warm
☆ Build confidence
☆ Check choreograph

I can know that they answered [check choreography] or [take balance] Also get warm too. When I talked with Mrs. Nakagawa, she said get worried before the stage is lack of training and success while practice get power. Also, Ms. T.I said it is important to get confident too. From these, I can know that don’t get negative and keep look front is important. In other word get confident is important. Also, I have [check choreography] or [take balance] to do at offstage to calm down. Ms. T.I told me I can feel peace of mind to check choreograph. In fact, to do this I can also feel peace of mind because I can reconfirmation where to dance carefully. In addition, Mrs. Nakagawa answered me “get warm” If body doesn’t get warm, muscle keep hard so we can’t do the best performance. when I attend rehearsal that my body was still cold, I couldn’t dance well. from these to control worry and nervus I can say

  • Get confident
  • Check choreography
  • Get warm

What method can I make

To calm down or control worry I could know I should do [Get confident] [Check choreography] [Get warm]

To [Get confident] I think I have this method.
・Say “I can do it!”
I think saying in practice is effective to get confident. Because Ms. T.I said say ” I can do it!” when I do well when I asked about how to control worry. And when I asked why? she said to get confident. I also think ” I can do it!” when I do difficult movement. Because I can have positive mind and I don’t imagine mistake. So. I though I can get confident to say “I can do it!”

Next, to do [Check choreography] I think just do check choreography. However, to check important points again is important. So, I think this has effect to do.
・Think important points while do check choreography
Because, to do this I don’t forget important points so I can dance well. Also, this can distract anxiety. To think other things (in this case, it is choreography) I can focus well. Also, to focus well take balance is also effective. Mrs. Nakagawa answered take balance and to make sure my axis when I asked [How to control worry] To take balance can make own axis and fucus.

Lastly, to [Get warm] I think these methods are good.
Ms. T.I said that I do plank to get warm. Also, we can increase heart rate. I also do jump to get warm and increase heart rate. However, too much jumping gets tired so, I need to do carefully. Moreover, it is important to do “Bar lesson” to get warm. “Bar lesson” is use a stick to do movement and practice. This does every lesson so as Mrs. Nakagawa said before, it is possible to make same situation. Also, to do “Bar lesson” I can move correct process so I can get warm moderately.


Today, I talked from ballet perspective to make original methods. As a result, say words to get confident, check choreography, do plank jump to calm down.
Next blog, I’ll talk from sport psychology perspective.
See you!