Welcome to my blog! I inquired about “Relationship between Sport Psychology and Ballet” and I summary to this blog. In this time, I’ll talk about why I chose this topic, about sport psychology and ballet, common points between these and summary.
Why I chose this topic
I have learned ballet since I was little. And I am always feeling nervous. To relieve tension, I control myself with my own method. However, I had doubts is there any other effective method or is my own method suitable for me. So I thought I can solve this problem from sport psychology. Psychology is academic about human’s heart so there is an answer. Sport psychology can use when we do exercise or perform something among psychology. From this, I decided to inquire relationship between “Sport Psychology” and “Ballet”.
This time, I define Sport Psychology and Ballet and overview. At last, I state those common points.
About Psychology
JAPAN SPORT state sport psychology is “A study that provides chemical knowledge for the practice and teaching of sports by clarifying issues related to sports from a psychological aspect.” (「スポーツ心理学」『JAPAN SPORT』https://bit.ly/3VgI9Fw 11/29)Also, sport psychology can divide 8 sections. This table’s cited from 「スポーツ心理学」. This graph referencing 「スポーツ心理学」.
Area | Summary of contents |
Practical psychology of competition | 競技スポーツの心理的特質、実力発揮に関わる心理要因、コーチングに関わる心理要因について |
Sport mental training | リラクセーションやイメージなどのメンタルトレーニングの心理、身体、パフォーマンスの影響について |
Sport clinical | スポーツに関わる悩み、問題を解決だけでなく、人格的成長を目指すための心理支援方法について |
These three have deep relation with JISS (JAPAN SPORT COUNCIL).
Today, I’ll explain about one of the “mental training method”. Please look at this graph. I referenced from スポーツメンタルトレーニング教本三訂版.

From this graph I can know that it is not good to feel too strong or too weak nervous.
If nervous is weak, we need to do psyching up to lift and if nervous is strong we need to do relaxation to calm down.
【Psyching up】
To do this, we need to rise heartbeat and body temperature. So, these methods are effective.
・Hit body lightly
・Listen up tempo music
・Make loud voice to feel exciting
Breathing method is one of the way. breathing method is the basic relax and easy.
Do breathe think carefully than usual. Relaxation’s goal is to calm down, so we do opposite movement
About Ballet
In this time, I will explain the situation that has possible to use sport psychology.
The first is before the stage. Almost dancer feel nervous before the stage. There are many reasons, but I can give example such as to dance in front of many people, anxious for doing difficult technique, or make a miss take. Dancers cannot perform their best when they feel nervous because muscle get stiffer. To make sure that does not happen dancer do their own routine. For me, I jump lightly or check choreography to distract oneself. Also, I change depends on the character. For example, I listen up tempo music when I dance active character on the other hand, I listen to calmed music when I dance calm character. When I go to the stage other dancers also feel excited to on the stage. So, we lost our focus because the feeling is bigger than focus. At that moment I also listen to calmed music too.
The second is in the lesson. I have different conditions each lesson. For example, after the school, feeling is bad because there was something bad. Or, tired. In short, I do not have concentration. In that situation, I take sugar before the lesson, or I talk with my friends to be positive.
For these, Ballet also has situations that control our mind.
Common points between Sport Psychology and Ballet
Now, I think there are two common points.
First, when dancer dance ballet they feel nervous before the stage and sport psychology has “Mental training.” When dancer feel nervous before the stage, they cannot do their best because muscle get stiffer. So, dancer do their own routine. On the other hand, sport psychology has method to control nerves. For example, “Psyching up” and “Relaxation”.
Second, when dancer dance ballet they feel pressure while they are dancing. (When we feel tired, dance in front of everyone.) Sport psychology has “Practical psychology of competition”. For example, when dancer play an important role or do difficult technique, they feel “Can I do this?” or “Will I make a miss take?” even at a time like this I think we can use “Mental training.”
In this time, I talked about Sport psychology and ballet. Also. each common points. From now, I will talk mainly about “Sport mental training” to mix ballet and sprot psychology to make own method.
From now, I want to focus on “sport mental training” and find own method that mix ballet and sport psychology.
Check out my other blog! See you.