Relation ship between Sport Psychology and Ballet Part3

Hi! Happy new year!
Last time, I made original methods from ballet perspective. This time, I will think from sport psychology perspective. There are Paet1 and Part2 so please check it too!

From Sport Psychology

I did interview to Ms. Ozeki who is director of URAWA COUNSELING LABORSTORY. These are answers that I got.

Actual waySolove around my problems
Listening therapy
Naikan method
Autogenic training
Arboricultural therapy
Plaster oneself

Ms. Ozeki told me that it is important to plaster oneself. Also change around problem is important too. For example, family, friendly relations anxious that you have now.

Methods that I can think

I think solve around my problems is the easiest way to do. Also, I can use Breathing method. So, I can think these two methods.

・Solve around problem
To solve the problem, I need to find cause. So, first find around problem such as can’t talk with family. Second, find why I can’t do that. In this time, because of puberty or got fight with family. Last, think how to solve that problem. For example get advice from teachers or talk with specialist. In summary do “Find around problem” ” Find why” ” Think how to solve that problem” can solve around problem.

・Breathing method
At first blog, I wrote about relaxation. I wrote about do breath carefully. This breathing method has effect to get relax.