About Republic of South Sudan

Requblic of South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on 9 July 2011 as agreement that ended Africa’s longest- running civil war. The cause of conflict is collusion of opinions between the Muslims in the north and the Christians in the south who wanted separation and independence shortly before the Republic of Sudan gained independence from Britain and Egypt. Civil war broke out in 2013 when the president fell out with his then vice president, leading to a conflict that has displaced some four million people.
South Sudan is one of the most diverse countries in Africa it is home to over 60different major etnic groups. The most large group is Dinka. Other groups are the Nuer Shilluk and other Nile people, the Azande and Juchar in the west, and the Acholi and Lotsf from the south to Uganda.
Independence couldn’t bring conflict in South Sudan to an end.
A power-sharing agreement was signed between the warring parties in August 2018 in a bid to bring the five-year civil war to an end. (from South Sudan country profile – BBC News, 2023. 04.18)
Capital: Juba
Area: 644,329 sqkm
Population: 11.5million
Languages: English, also a localized language in Africa such as Dinka, Nuer, Murle, Luo, Ma’di, Otuho, Zande and others
Life expectancy: 54 years (men) 57 years (womem)
Education situation
In south sudan, more than 2.8 million children, or over 70per cent, are out of school. They are putting at risk their future. some of children who are out of school are living in pastoral communities, moving with cattle and are not able to attend regular classes. The almost children who are out of school is girls because child marriage and cultural and religious view like woman has to stay home then do housework and raise a children. all hinder girls’ education.[unicef,n.d.]
A child born to an education mother has a 50 per cent higher chance of survival. I think it is because girls who take education go to school that mean they didn’t married too ealry and girls can know how to do when they had their baby. Educated parents are more lokely to send their children to school.[unisef,n.d.] Donating to organization what helping children who have limited to accese education. Suggesting a new style education system to the world.
BBC news. (2023, April 18). South Sudan Country Profile – BBC News. BBC – Home. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-14069082(2023.07.10)
Unicef. (n.d.). Education | UNICEF South Sudan. UNICEF South Sudan. https://www.unicef.org/southsudan/what-we-do/education(2023.07.10)
Rehorn, L. (2017, February 15). Five Ways to Improve Education in Developing Countries – BORGEN. >BORGEN Magazine – The Borgen Project. https://www.borgenmagazine.com/education-in-developing-countries/(2023.07.10)
World vision. (2023, May 1). 3分でわかる南スーダン ~南スーダンって、どんな国?~. 国際協力NGOワールド・ビジョン・ジャパン.https://www.worldvision.jp/news/works/africa/202009_southsudan.html#:~:text