Different education (Singapore)

Study system


Singapore’s education system is complicated. There are
・Post Secondary

Primary and PSLE

All student enter primary school and study for 6 years. After that, student take PSLE. (Primary School Leaving Examination) This is for certificate and choice for secondary school. This is point system so, if student want to go higher school, they need to take more than 250. According to test score, school will decide so student can’t choose. That why this is very important for student because this make decision of future.

Secondary and Post Secondary

In Singapore, PSLE score decide secondary school. By the way, pass rate of 2019 is 98.4%. So 1.6% of student can’t enter secondary school. There are normal school and technical school.

Also student take GEO(The Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education ) test too. This is for university test for United Kingdom. They take O level and A level.
After graduate secondary school, student who want to go university they will go to post secondary.
There are many kind of education institution.
Student who can’t enter secondary school go to APS or NLS which is special education school. Also student can take PSLE again however if student take more than two times, they need to go to APS or NLS.
It’s sounds that if student take bad score in PSLE they can’t get good job. But in fact it is not. Student who failed PSLE study again and entered national university.
Singapore government think examination ordeal get heat up and it is not good for citizen.


From a picture, you can know that Singapore education is complicated.
But, Singapore children has high learning ability according to study system.
But, it’s hard for student to do this. However they have a chance to lead a successful life.


https://kids.athuman.com/cecoe/articles/000101/ (2023/7/3)
https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/403435 (2023/7/3)