Challenges in Japanese healthcare

K. S.

Journal of Students Inquiry Volume 3 Issue 2

令和6年元日、巨大地震が能登半島を襲った。住居は倒壊し、島民は避難を余儀なくされた。映し出されたのは、少し前までの平穏な光景が、一瞬にして消し去る様子だった。今回の地震で私が注目したのは、災害時における医療体制だ。災害が起きると、当然いつも通りの医療を提供することは難しくなる。  今回の能登半島地震でも、断水や停電で医療を継続できないことがあったという。では、この「いつも通り」の医療を緊急時に提供できるようにするためにはどうしたらよいのか。東日本大震災を経て、災害時の医療体制は大幅に改善されたように感じる。その中で、普段と変わらぬ充実した医療の提供を可能にし、災害時もいつも通りに過ごせるようになることを願ってやまない。   

キーワード: 医療、災害 



My interest in food loss began with school lunches. When I was in second grade in junior high school, I became concerned about the large amount of leftover food that was produced every day. Therefore, I decided to initiate a project to reduce the amount of school lunch leftovers. Specifically, I measured the number of leftovers in each class, posted the data to visualize the quantity, and presented the standard portion size each day.

This project was successful in three ways. First, I was able to reduce the amount of leftover food during the period I conducted the project, decreasing by about 24 kilograms in total. Second, by visualizing the actual number of leftovers produced each day, students became more aware of their responsibility toward food waste. Third, the panel I created to inform students of the standard portion size is still displayed even four years later.


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