What is New Zealand?
New Zealand has two main islands which separated by the Cook Strait.
When land was thrust out of the ocean by volcanic forces, the islands were made. New Zealand has more than 50 volcanoes and some of are still active today! New Zealand had beautiful view made by sharp snowy peaks, rocky shores….

Maori were the first to arrive in New Zealand 1000 years ago. In 1840, the British Crown and Maori made an agreement ” Treaty of Waitangi” It was established British law in New Zealand so ” Treaty of Waitangi”
Study System
New Zealand’s study system is different from other countries. It has three steps.
- Early childhood education
- Primary and secondary education
- Further education
Also, education in New Zealand is a student-centered pathway providing continuous learning progression and choice so that…..
・Students progress every year
・Their learning at one level sets the foundation for the next steps along a chosen pathway!
Early childhood education
Early childhood education called (ECE) is not compulsory but almost 96.8% of children attend ECE. This is helpful for children to be confident and curious about the world. If children attend this curriculum, they can do better than not attend when they go to school. There are some types of ECE. But the government sets that all children who attend ECE need to take six hours a day.
Primary and Secondary education
Children will enter primary school at 5 years old and finish at 10 years old. In this level, students study following by the New Zealand National Curriculum. There are….
English |
The Art |
Health and Physical Education |
Languages |
Mathematics and Statistics |
Science |
Social Sciences and Technology |
To do this study, student’s abilities which reading, writing and math will improve.
Before students enter secondary school, there is a bridge called intermediate school. So, students attend this level when they are 11-12.
After they attend intermediate school, they enter secondary school. At secondary school (high school or college) students attend National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). Also in this level, schools offer some vocational subjects too. Also, some schools offer to take “Cambridge International Examinations” and “International Baccalaureate programes” too. First one is a test that show student’s English level. This test is known in over 150 countries, and it has been implemented. The second one is a program to become an international person. This program inspires both personal development and academic achievement and tries to help students to think critically, to ask the right questions and think across disciplines.

After I went to New Zealand, I could know some points. First, school end at 2:30 PM. So student can enjoy after school activity. Student chat with their friends or they go to shopping! I went Japanese restaurant with my friends. Also, school has a time to eat snacks called “break time”. Student bring snacks from their home and eat with friends. They feel relax so they can be focus on their class.
You could know that New Zealand’s study system is adapted to students. There are many steps and each step has a program. So, New Zealand is 1st for “Education Future Skill”