Quantum Machine Learning



Welcome to JSI blog!In this blog, I will introduce the fundanmental of Quantum Machine Learning.

What is Quantum Machine Learning?

・Learning to Do Machine Learning with Quantum Computers

・The development of machine learning is accelerating the movement to use quantum algorithms as well.

・Still a developing field, but has the potential to have a major impact in a variety of fields.

・Potential to solve complex problems that cannot be handled by classical computers

Applications of Quantum Machine Learning

Drug development: simulating complex molecular structures that are impossible with conventional computers
Materials science: modeling and designing high-temperature superconductivity or other exotic states of matter that exhibit many-body quantum effects
Financial market forecasting: because it can analyze large amounts of data

About Quantum Circuit Learning (QCL)

・Quantum-Classical Hybrid Algorithm
・The algorithm is designed to work on NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computer), which is a medium-scale quantum computer without error correction capability.
・The use of quantum circuits improves the expressive power of the model because it can be learned using a large number of basis functions exponentially, taking advantage of the superposition principle of quantum mechanics.
・Further performance improvements over machine learning on classical computers are expected.

Learning of Quantum Circuit Learning

The input data x is first transformed into a quantum state using Uin(x), from which the output y is obtained using the variational quantum circuit U(θ) and measurements, etc. (output is ⟨B(x,θ)⟩)

Issue of Quantum Circuit Learning

・To run machine learning on a quantum computer, the algorithm must be ported so that it can be run on a quantum computer.
・This would straddle different operating principles than the usual porting that takes into account differences in operating systems and programming languages.

