Relation ship between Sport Psychology and Ballet Part4

Hello everyone! Welcome to 4th and last of my blog! In this time, I will connect methods that I show in part 2 and 3.

What kind of method I want

I wanted to make methods that can use while doing ballet. Because I always got nervous and tried to calm down by my method. However, I wonder my method is collect. So, I come up I can think this problem thinking about Sport psychology. Through researching I knew Sport psychology has “Mental training”. This is about “Mental training about relaxation and image, body impact of performance.” (From スポーツ心理学)I thought I can use this and method that I do while ballet.


At first, I want to review from ballet. I suggest
1 Get confidence
2 Check choreography
3 Get warm
Specifically, to get confidence say” I can do it!”. Think important point while check choreography. Lastly, do plank, jump to get warm. To do this, I thought I can calm effectively.

Next, from Sport psychology. I came up 2 ideas.
1 Solove around my problems
2 Breathing method
Solove around my problems mean problems about family or friendly relations, anxious that you have now. Change situation day life to ballet, when there is a technique that not good or sick. I talked Breath method in Part1 too. When I need relaxation, think care of breath and take deep breath. We use abdominal breathing to take deep breath. Take breath by stretch stomach and breath by hold your stomach in.

Original method by mixing 2 methods

finally I’ll mix ballet method and sport psychology method. First I thought these combination are good to mix.

Things that I mix
Get confidence + Solve around my problems
Check choreography + Breathing method
Get warm + Breathing method

Why I made these combination, ①I thought to get confidence I need to get rid of anxiety. In this time, anxiety mean around my problems. For example bad health condition or not good technique. If there is anxious in mind it difficult to get confidence. So solve problems that around me connect to get confidence. ➁ When I check choreography and think breathing method too, I won’t get panic. Also, before the stage I always get excited so it’s difficult to control myself. So to do Breathing method I can calm down. ③ Last to do plank or jump at dressing room before the stage. And when I go to wing of the stage I do Breathing method to calm down. So, I can get warm and calm down to can perform best condition.

Lastly I’ll write Specific and name.

①Change your situation and get confidence
1: Before the stage understand which part is difficult for you cleary. Or, ask teacher to change choreograph.
2: Also if somewhere get hart, get advice from your teacher or go to Osteopathic clinic.
3: There is a possibility that your pointe doesn’t fit your foot.
4: Say “I can do it!” before the stage.

➁Check choreograph and Breathing method
1: Remind important points at wing of the stage.
2: At same time, do abdominal breath to calm down.

③Psyching and relaxation
1: Do jump, plank at dressing room to get warm.
2: When I go to wing of the stage, to calm down do breathing method.


Did you enjoy? This is the end of “Relation ship between Sport Psychology and Ballet” Through this blog, I can get a knowledge